HANDY HINT #39. BANANA LOVERS. Try to purchase your bananas in bunches of five - on Sundays. Subsequently, examine them and arrange them in order of ripeness, writing a day of the week on each banana in broad-nibbed, felt-tip pen - Monday on the ripest, Friday on the greenest. Imagine the time this will save you when attempting to decide which banana to eat on a typical, hectic, weekday morning!
HANDY HINT #233 (a). SUBMARINE DESIGNERS. Contemplate putting the vessel's water pipes on the outside of the superstructure ..Next time they burst - no harm done!
HANDY HINT #12/3. SLOVENLY HOUSEHOLDERS. Always keep a few 'Get Well Soon' cards on the mantlepiece. Should you suffer the inconvenience of unexpected visitors, you can explain your home's disheveled appearance by pointing at the cards and saying "Ooh, I've not been to good recently..."
come and hear more Handy Hints live at Repeta Sarok on 25th April
The Sunday Defensive are JACOB EDWARDS and PHIL GILBERT, borne out of a fortnightly comedy show that took place on Sundays; a night that quickly built a 'significant' cult following. Now inaccurately named, they’re playing all over the place, and not just religious holidays. Less a sketch show, more a series of loosely connected arguments about Twister, the art of caricature and the likelihood of having a bowling alley on a submarine.Phil and Jacob first collaborated in 2004 in ‘Holidaze’, a show written by Jacob, in their Edinburgh Festival debut as a team at the Gilded Balloon.They appeared again in a show they co-wrote called ‘Edbert McGilbin Presents…’ at the Canal Cafe (2004/5). Jacob and Phil started performing together on a regular basis as ‘The Sunday Defensive’ in 2006. Avoiding traditional sketch comedy, ‘The Sunday Defensive’ became a careful knitting of audience interaction, characters and stand-up. A fortnightly residency at the Canal Cafe Theatre tightened their act and on-stage chemistry, and in early 2007 a sold out six-night run with ‘The Penny Dreadfuls’ confirmed their place as a new and exciting comic partnership.
"Sketch comedy at its finest" Radio Forth, Edinburgh
"The audience love them." Fringe Report"one of the strongest and most innovative groups around...a terrific duo." Time Out
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25th of April (Friday)
doors open at 7 pm
show starts at 8 pm
due to the high demand for tickets and seats, we advise you to book early
You can fix your smile while waiting for the next English stand up comedy at: